Please help us with our School Uniform bill

Please help us Pay the Bill!

Good day to everyone
As we continue to support our orphans on a daily basis, our biggest challenge this quarter has been their school uniforms. Due to the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have continued to act quickly and make radical adjustments in our processes. Since January we have been sending our orphans in small groups for uniform sizing. Our order has finally arrived and we have begun handing out these precious items of clothing.

Our invoice is R108 100.00. We are still needing to raise R48 100.00 towards this bill. We stand in faith as we cannot stop meeting the needs of our learners. Please know that any and every amount donated helps us in this cause. We are so grateful for every one of you who supports us in each way!

Thank-you for helping us to help these precious children.

May this year grow from strength to strength for all of us. Thank you once again for your support.

Banking Details for Offline Donation
Bank: First National Bank
Account Name: Izulu Orphan Projects
Cheque Account (Non-Profit)
Account No: 62094657908
Branch: Empangeni, 8 Smith Street
Branch Code: 220130
BIC/Swift address: FIRNZAJJXXX

PAYPAL Donation Link 
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ZAPPER Donation Link
Scan the QR code below with the Zapper App to make a secure donation.

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