Documents and Financials

N.P.O Certification

Financial Information

Izulu Orphan Projects is a registered Public Benefit Organisation – Section 18A (N90031129) and NPO (048-359-NPO).

Our registered auditors are:

KH Financial Services
PO Box 5107, Durban, 4000
Tel  : 031 205 9449  Fax : 031 205 9747

Izulu Orphan Projects Books


According to the Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic Empowerment (09 February 2007) Generic (annual turnover of >R35 million) enterprises can claim up to 5 points on their BBBEE Scorecard by contributing 1% of their NPAT (net profit after tax) to organisations such as ours.  Less contribution results in a pro-rated score. Qualifying Small Enterprises (annual turnover of <R35 million and >R5 million) can claim up to 25 points on their BBBEE Scorecard by contributing 1% of their NPAT to organisations such as ours. Less contribution results in a pro-rated score. 

You may be aware that the Codes of Good Practice have been amended (11 October 2013, with a transition period to April 2015), however, even under the amended codes, enterprises can still claim up to 5 points on their BBBEE Scorecard by contributing 1% of their NPAT.

Our independent competent person’s confirmation of % Black South African beneficiaries was undertaken in May 2014 by Kim O’Dell of the BEE Rated BEE Verification Agency, and is available on request.

All documentation required to claim BBBEE points by a donor is made available on receipt of donation.